Sunday 25 November 2012

A little imagination goes a long way, especially in the studio.

Photography is art, and art is all about imagination, if you get that spark of inspiration you're already half way towards a great photo.

I recently ordered an  el-cheapo watch for a project (not a photographic one), it finally arrived yesterday and before I did anything else I decided to get some shots while it was still in immaculate condition.

I attempted to get some photos in the box room doing some rather odd gymnastics... unfortunately all the walls are bright red and this showed up in the reflections, and no matter how I positioned fabrics and reflectors around the room some red would show up somewhere.

Fast forward a few hours and I've dug my light box out which cuts out the vast majority of reflections.

Great, no red tint, however there is a bit of purple in the top of the watch still. A bit of black to cover the top and rear of the light box should sort that out.

So I've got everything in place, but the watch still looks rather dull and boring. It's taken technical knowledge and a bit of jiggery pokery to get this far, but to get a really great photo is going to take that spark.

Enter the spray bottle lying around in the bathroom!

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